Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Icebergs are a natural phenomenon that occur when large chunks of ice break off of a much larger glacier or ice sheet and float freely in the open water. These puppies are monitored as they present a danger to ships in the North Atlantic (see  RMS Titanic). They have a tendency when they melt to make a fizzing sound due to air bubbles frozen inside.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Georgian soil~
Utisol is a type of soil found in most humid temperate or sub-tropical climates. It is characterized by low fertility. They are also usually where large forests will spring up. Georgians will know them for their association with yellow or red clay which is common in the soil.


The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National park is a striking example of thermophiles at work. Red and green bacteria exist all around the hotspring and produce the vivid colors noticed here. The high heat in their environment is what classifies them as extremophiles and these bacteria thrive in the hot temperatures where no other organisms exist.